College of Education

Student Teachers and Field Students are welcomed into our classrooms.  We work to support the College of Education in fostering a caring community of practice, grounded in educational research, that is collaborative, child-centered, with a critical lens to honor and respect diverse families and meaningfully engage communities in a global, contemporary society.

Music Therapy

Music Therapy students offer our preschoolers interventions such as improvisation, re-creation, song writing, and receptive techniques.  Sessions meet once per week throughout the semester.

Creative Dance

Dance Majors offer our preschoolers real-world dance experiences.  Our classes travel across the street to Miller Auditorium for dance class.

Music Education

Our preschoolers offer real-world music experiences with young children for Music Education Majors.  Music class is held weekly in our classrooms.

Therapy Dogs

SRU offers animal-assisted interventions.  The Therapy Dogs visit our classrooms throughout the semester.

Field Trips

Field trips are offered through the school year and during the summer program.  We travel throughout western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio for engaging educational experiences.

Graduate Assistants

This person serves as the Assistant Teacher of one of our Preschool classrooms or School Age Program.  For more information about this opportunity, click here.

Physical Education

Physical Education Undergraduate students explore gross motor movements like balance and jumping through multiple activities.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Doctorate students implement occupation-based centers with our students! Some of the centers planned address emotional regulation skills, early writing preparedness, cutting preparedness, and sensorimotor skills.

Rock Life

Rock Life creates an on-campus environment of individual autonomy, by providing intentional person-centered programing, in four foundational areas: academic enrichment, social engagement, wellness, and competitive integrated employment. 

Interested in collaborating with the SRU/SGA Preschool and Child Care Center?  We would love to hear from you!  Click here for more information.